First of all, it's all good news from the hospital.
Cathy is getting stronger by the hour, and although we are just a little beyond the 36 hour mark, things probably could not be much better.
Remember those "siezures" I referenced before? Yeah those ones. The ones that I have been misspelling for days.
Well, the Neurologist has determined that Cathy did NOT have a seizure, and that her CT scans were normal. They are calling it a "spell" or "an episode," probably related to her coming out of the anesthesia.
Now, I never went to "medical school," but I know what I saw was grade-A, Linda Blair, eyeball-rolling, head spinning (ok, no head spinning,) body-shaking something!
Were it anyone with a whiff of sanctity about them, I might bet a demon was expelled, but since it was just me, I'm thinking no. I'm just glad they are done, and that Cathy is feeling better.
Cathy was sitting up, talking, and eating (a little) food, and she had gotten out of bed earlier that day and sat in a chair.
She will likely be moved out of ICU Wednesday, and will likely double my sleep hours for the week tonight.
I'll let people know about visiting and room numbers and stuff as soon as I know it.
***Editorial Warning That I'm Getting On My Soapbox, but not for too long****
If you ever want to feel really blessed, spend 48 hours in a Cardiac Care Unit Waiting Room, and find someone there to compare problems with.
If you ever want to feel like the most blessed person on the face of the earth, go to a Pediatric Hospital and try the same thing.
Please remember to pray for all people battling illness and the professionals serving them.
Cathy and I will never be able to express the thanks we feel for the prayers of everyone who been with us through this so far. We still have a long way to go, but I wouldn't trade places with any of the other families that have been sharing the ICU Waiting Rooms with me. So pray for them too.
More updates tomorrow...
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