Cathy is still doing great!
She's doing some more walking, and moaning much, much less.
She spends her days recovering, reading, and watching movies while taking pills that make everything OK.
Lucy doesn't seem to know if she is visiting our house and living with the Jones' or vice-versa.
Fortunately, for her, I don't think she really cares either way.
Hannah is determined to make me teach her how to play Chess, which is great except that she couldn't have picked a worse teacher, except maybe...nope. Not gonna do it.
I have never beaten anybody, even a weak computer set on "idiot," in a game of Chess.
Jude has taken on a much more "older brother" attitude towards Will, and I regularly hear Jude explaining things to Will very logically and clearly, and over-and-over again. I fear that Jude has a mind similar to mine, which is ok, but clearly is not intended for regular, prolonged use. It apparently has a useful life of about 39 years. I'm on borrowed time.
Will always wants to be the anti-hero of every movie we see.
He wants to be Sauran and Vader.
I'm afraid to let him watch WWII movies for fear he will be goose-stepping down Mockingbird Lane.
I'm happy to still be hanging on to the handlebars at this point.
Here are some things I've learned:
1. The biggest project at work will need most of your attention right when you have it most diverted elsewhere.
2. One of my most important tasks in life is teaching Lucy (2) that her "No!" means NOTHING TO ME!
3. If you don't start reading The Brothers Karamazov, you'll never finish reading The Brothers Karamazov.
4. People are far more generous than I have given them credit for.
5. Let people help.
6. I don't know at what point in Cathy's recovery it will be safe for me to return to my old, self-righteous, opinionated, selfish, worrisome self. Maybe never.
7. It's all about these little souls that wait for me at the end of a long day, and the beginning what have turned into not short nights.
8. This is more fun, and more work than I expected.
And yes, Cathy is still doing great!
Thanks to everyone for everything so far!
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